Clever System - Solution EN

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Check product order on production line

Sequence Control

Production Operations Management

Clever Kernel accepts production requirements from the customer's IT system. For each product, Clever Kernel generates a list of manufacturing operations, along with the definition of quality controls and the identification of workplaces for specific manufacturing operations. These requests are sent to individual Clever Clients who manage operations and on-site inspections. Each Clever Client assigns requirements for manufacturing operations to its own operations stack, from where it picks up after the previous operation. All operations together with their results and employee identification are recorded by Clever Client in the SQL database.

Checking that the part is correct

 Pick To Light  Barcode  Blind audit  Automatic picking  Camera  Poka-joke     

Tightening Check

 Communication with wrench  Select a group (program)  Poka-joke (tool position detection)

Employee Identification

 RFID chips  Bar codes


Line conveyor control

 Signaling which workplace stopped the line  Defining stop conditions  Run by authorized person     

Production and Production Line Visualization

 Vision bell  Andon

Time Tracking

 Login to the workplace  RFID -> Attendance = Time management  Barcode  Custom terminal (also application or module)

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