Cct command
From PlcWiki
Contents |
cct [-h|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-n|--no-verbose] [-c|--no-commit] [-r|--no-review] [-b|--background]\ locked <ccturi> lock <ccturi> <locking ID> lockinfo <ccturi> unlock <ccturi> path <ccturi> glob <ccturi> cat <ccturi> save <ccturi> vi <ccturi> edit <ccturi> deploy <ccturi> fakedeploy <ccturi> editdeploy <ccturi> videploy <ccturi> checkout commit <ccturi> <message> log <ccturi> diff <ccturi> diffdeployed <ccturi> revert <ccturi> blame <ccturi> update <ccturi> forallwp <command> onallwp <command> setkey <ccturi> key = value fakesetkey <ccturi> key = value setexistingkey <ccturi> key = value fakesetexistingkey <ccturi> key = value checkkey <ccturi> key version <ccturi>
- cct://<cct path>
- @<cct path with wildcars (*?~)>
- @@<wpid>|plan|part
- <absolute path>
- <relative path>
cct path:
- path relative to CCT base, e.g. workplaces/K1/etc/plc_client_K1.cfg
Command shortcuts
locked|ld|locke lock|l|lo|loc lockinfo|li unlock|u|un|unl|unlo|unloc path|p|pa|pat glob|g|gl|glo cat|c|ca save|sav|sa|s vi edit|e|edi deploy|de|dep|depl|deplo fakedeploy|fd|fakedeplo|fakedepl|fakedep|fakede|faked|fake|fak|fa editdeploy|ede|ed videploy|vde|vd checkout|co|ch|che|chec|check|checko|checkou commit|ci|com|comm|commi log|lg diff|d|di|dif diffdeployed|dd update|up|upd|upda|updat version|v|ve|ver|vers|versi|versio blame|blam|bla|b|annotate|praise revert|rever|reve|rev|re forallwp|faw onallwp|oaw wp|w plan|pla|pl partdistribution|pd|parts|part|par
Direct setting of a key
cct setkey @@f1 WorkPlace.ToDoWindow.Width = FULL
The change can be reviewed afterwards in the editor. If you are not happy with the result and want to keep existing contents, make any change to the file to prevent autocommit and then abort the commit by providing an empty message and typing a for abort.
The key value can be also set without review, use -r or -no-review switch, but make sure the value was set as expected (check the command output):
cct -r setkey @@f1 WorkPlace.ToDoWindow.Width = FULL
Alternatively you can use command fakesetkey for a dry run. fakesetkey works exactly the same as setkey just doesn't actually change anything.
If you want to set the key only in case it already exists in the configuration file (i.e. no additions), use command setexistingkey or fakesetexistingkey.
If the value contains spaces or special characters like *, ', (, ), {, }, $, \, ? ..., make sure to properly quote the value [1]
Settings on multiple stations
cct forallwp cct -r setkey @@@wpid WorkPlace.Tightening.StrictPSetCheck = Yes cct forallwp cct deploy @@@wpid
BEWARE: These commands set the key on all stations without asking questions. Use only if you 100% sure the command works as expected. Consider running without -r option or using fakesetkey command. Be sure to properly quote the value. See #Direct setting of a key for more.