IP (Speaker) Robot and KIVNON processes

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Communication between CLEVER and EBE robot highlighted in yellow

Communication between CLEVER and Kivnon highlighted in green

IP loading

Clever: X1 Krups: 829 CLEVER as a server ( for KIVNON AGV, listening on the PORT 2006

1. Next cockpit in the sequence is started automatically, when the previous one is finished.

2. AGV arrives at Station X1. Kivnon sends the ID to Clever:

<-K TONP;829;<AGV ID> for example TONP;829;3 3. Clever creates a marriage between the cockpit and AGV. If the assembly sequence is empty, the AGV ID is buffered and used for the next car, when it is placed to the assembly sequence.

4. Operator scans IP label, PartCheck operation X11 is validated.

5. CLEVER prints out a cockpit label

6. Operator places IP on AGV.

7. Operator scans a cockpit label.

8. CLEVER sends a release signal to Kivnon, AGV will move out. C-> RLST;829 The AGV can move only if station X2 is free (robot in a home position). This check is out of CLEVER, Kivnon checks if 2nd Station is free. EMPTY trolley: The operator can scan a control barcode PLCRLST (any time) to release the trolley empty. If the IP is not yet finished (IP is not yet scanned and/or confirmation barcode is not yet scanned), the already married AGV will be divorced and the next coming AGV ID will be married to the current IP.

IP robotic tightening

Clever: X2 Krups: 830 IPPLC1 10.29.68.xx CLEVER as a server ( for KIVNON AGV, listening on the PORT 2006 CLEVER as a server ( for IP robot, listening on the PORT 2000

1. AGV arrives at Station X2 and sends the ID to Clever when the AGV is in the position.

<-K TONP;830;<AGV ID> for example TONP;830;3 If there is no marriage information for the AGV, Clever sends RELEASE to Kivnon immediately (8). Otherwise: 2. CLEVER starts the married cockpit automatically.

3. C-> OSTA;830;X21;DV9882111110018;LHD|RHD|SKIP; Clever sends a message to Robot with the information of the IP variant. Either LHD/RHD or SKIP.

4. the robot starts to do his job - tightening. Robot triggers the tightening machine - 9 screws

5. Clever gets tightening data from PowerFocus In case of NOK tightening the rest of tightening will be skipped and Clever will wait for the BREAK signal. OK + NOK tightening -> increment plan X33 (loosening)

6. C-> ORES;830;X22;DV9882111110018;1; For each screw clever sends 1 in case of OK result, 0 in other case

7. <-R PDAT830;X23;DV9882111110018;FINISH|BREAK|SKIP; Robot confirms - job finished. Can have two statuses FINISH - means finished OK, BREAK - means finished NOK. Regardless of whether the robot finished OK or NOK, clever releases cockpit. If robot finishes with NOK, tightening operation should be skipped (Operation parameters “Automatic skip”) FINISH -> zero plan on X3 (except seq. check) -> skip X22 BREAK -> skip X22 SKIP - OK attempt X23

8. Clever sends RELEASE to Kivnon. C-> RLST;830

IP emergency tightening

Clever: X3 Krups: 831 CLEVER as a server ( for KIVNON AGV, listening on the PORT 2006

1. AGV arrives at Station X3 and sends the ID to Clever when the AGV is in the position. <-K TONP;831;<AGV ID> for example TONP;831;3

2. CLEVER starts the married cockpit automatically.

3. If the cockpit has been properly completed on the robotic station, Clever sends RELEASE to Kivnon immediately.

C-> RLST;831

In case there was an issue on the previous station (X2):

4. Clever requires an unscrewing of all screws registered on station X2 - operation X21 (OK screws + 1 NOK if it was registered). Tightening operation X31 with a loosening program (PSet).

5. Clever requires a manual tightening of all needed screws - tightening operation X32.

6. Clever sends RELEASE to Kivnon. C-> RLST;831


- No label print will be needed on the IP pre-assy:

  • Station X4 will use the AGV signal for the married IPs to start.
  • Main line station will scan the IP label to verify that the IP is pre-assembled for the correct cockpit.

- Questions:

  • Is the IP robot and Kivnon AGV the same system?
  • If not, is the IP robot provided by EBE?
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