Plant Shanghai – General documentation

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Clever system accepts production data from JIS (AS400) regularly or from other systems in emergency mode. Emergencies: LES, ASEC and 2D barcode scanning. Before the cockpit is inserted into production, the system checks and rejects duplicates. Delivery to kernel processes are based on predefined conditions.

List of kernel processes maintaining Shanghai line production - brief line description:

Main line kernel
port: 7789/tcp
entering via BLDO‘s
JIS line kernel
port: 7788/tcp
reads queue M1CLEVER.DTAQ
Model Y line kernel
port: 7787/tcp
reads queue M1CLEVER.DTAQ
IP Pre-assembly line kernel
port: 7786/tcp
entering via BLDO‘s
kanban production
entering JIS line at DT station

When cockpit is finished ship message and BOL signal are being created and send to Tesla (remote shares // and /$/sasjis/inbound/CLEV_BOL/). Packing slip (pdf) printed.

Tools and applications

Overview of processes and services running on server maintaining production.


Clever system configuration tool


Clever system application interface


Available applications: Product list, Sequence controllers, Barcode Generator, Graph of waiting products, Query manager




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