N1+N2 - divided station

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The MIX number is scanned on the left side (N1).

RFID is scanned automatically before the MIX is scanned. So it is buffered and used just after the MIX scanning.

When UPF is scanned, the MIX number is sent to the right side (N2) (using a report device which generates scanner_input event on N2)

After all tightenings are done, all tightening windows are blanked and the control is returned back to the left side. An operation "visual check N2" is automatically confirmed and the last operation (P2L box) is requested.

The barcode scanner is connected to N1. In case it is needed for N2, it is possible to switch it using PLCSCANSW barcode to one scanning on N2. After this scanning is accepted, the scanner is returned back to N1. The active half for the scanner is indicated by a green frame on sides of a sequence window.

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