General documentation

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Clever system accepts production data from JIS (AS400) regularly or from other systems in emergency mode. Emergencies: LES, ASEC and 2D barcode scanning. Before the cockpit is inserted into production, the system checks and rejects duplicates. Delivery to kernel processes are based on predefined conditions.

List of kernel processes maintaining Newark line production - brief line description:

Main kernel line B
reads queue M1CLEVER.DTAQ
Kitting K1 (line A) Cancelled with line A
No queue is read
entering B line at BA station (KITB.02 - Kit box sequence check)
Kitting K2 (line B)
reads queue CLEVER011.DTAQ
entering B line at BA station (KITB.02 - Kit box sequence check)
Kitting K12 (line A & B) This Kernel is not used any more
reads queue CLEVER011.DTAQ
Common station for both lines (KA) has been already cancelled
Preassembly P1
reads queue M1CLEVER.DTAQ
entering B line at BB station (AL02.01 - Micropit Loading)
Preassembly P2
reads queue M1CLEVER.DTAQ
entering B line at BC station (AL02.04 - IP)
Footwell cover (FW)
Kanban production, fed by BLDO’s (scanning of BLDO barcode on the station)
Accessories box (SH)
Kanban production, fed by BLDO’s (scanning of BLDO barcode on the station)

Line A (to be scrapped)

Line B kernel process maintain main line production. Notes and noticeable stations

  • e-check results acceptance
  • station BA – kitting boxes enters main line
  • station BB – micropit loading. Preassy P1 enters the line here.
  • station BC – IP loading. Preassy P2 enters the line here.
  • station BK - output check, main line EOL station
  • station BZ – Tesla delivery location set for upcoming truck loading, slip list printing
  • stations BW, BX, BY – truck loading at BW, BX or BY station. Successful load triggers clear rework attributes and generates ship batch message and BOL signal message. Finally the cockpit is written off from production, using proxy Kernel by operation data scripts.

Running additional proxy kernels

Proxy kernels allow client‘s communication to multiple kernel services.
Proxy kernel A
Connected to kernel A, K12, K2, P1, P2
Proxy kernel B
rework stations
Connected to kernel B, K2, P1, P2
Proxy kernel BK
Connected to kernel B, K2, P1, P2
write off the cockpit from production – triggered by BW, BX or BY station

Tools and applications

Overview of processes and services running on server maintaining production

Clever system configuration tool


Clever system application interface


Available applications: Product list, Technological repairs, Line administration, Sequence controllers, Barcode Generator, Query manager, Equivalence manager, EventShow
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