PLC workstation installation

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PLC workstation installation process

This article describes installation of PLC workstation using automated installation process. This installation process uses kickstart script and RPM repository for client installation. Installation steps follows.

  • Installation preparation

Kickstart script generation

There is script on kernel which generates kickstart script for PLC station being installed. Run

/var/ftp/gen_kickstart <WPID> <LAST_IP_NUM> [<FEDORA_RELEASE>]

WPID - workplace ID

LAST_IP_NUM - last number (octet) from IP address


We will install workplace A1, IP address will be To generate kickstart script run:

/var/ftp/gen_kickstart a1 25

NOTE: The WPID here must be typed in lower case, i.e. a1. Not A1.

  • PLC client configuration preparation

This is an optional step. You can prepare clients' configuration. You have to copy a configuration file to a directory on kernel. All prepared configurations has to be copied to the directory /usr/local/plc/etc/workstations/XX/etc, where XX is a workplace ID. It is possible to add other files to XX directory and its subdirectories.


etc - configuration files

bin - binary files

Content of these directories will overwrite default content from an installation.

  • Installation

There are several installation media. Mostly used is an USB flash disk. If there is a problem with a booting from a USB flash, it is possible to boot from a CDROM. For an installation media creation contact PLC support.

Boot from installation media. Boot menu will look similar like this:


Press TAB to edit boot parameters, add these parameters:

ks=ftp://<KERNEL_IP>/<WPID> [ip=<INSTALL_IP> netmask=<NETMASK> gateway=<GATEWAY> dns=<DNS>]

or, if DHCP is available in your network, add this:

ks=ftp://<KERNEL_IP>/<WPID> ip=dhcp

adding update parameter will update whole OS after installation (internet connection required).
adding standalone parameter will ensure that the installation won't influence another machines (i.e. PLC kernel's 'hosts' and 'plc_workstations' list, SQL server's access rights setup).

  • <KERNEL_IP> IP of your PLC kernel
  • <WPID> workplace id (name of kick start script)
  • <GATEWAY> gateway of your network (not needed when using DHCP)
  • <NETMASK> mask of your network (not needed when using DHCP)
  • <DNS> coma separated list of DNS servers (IP addresses) (not needed when using DHCP)
  • <INSTALL_IP> IP address which will be used during installation (not needed when using DHCP)


Rest of installation should be automatic.

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