Installation EN

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  • after applying img to SD extend FS
  • copy /boot/config.txt
  • apt-get -y install chkconfig
  • apt-get -y install mc
  • apt-get -y install vim
  • sed -i -e 's/use_internal_edit=0/use_internal_edit=1/' /root/.config/mc/ini
  • set hostname echo "hostnamexx"> / etc / hostname; hostname --file / etc / hostname
  • adduser visionbell; passwd visionbell (watch out useradd will not create homedir!)
  • usermod -G video visionbell - that's because of omxplayer
  • sed -i -e 's/^autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=visionbell/' /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf
  • set background, background image / usr / share / raspberry pi-artwork / clever 229x64.png, menu, color menu black - all in /home/visionbell/.config files
  • apt-get -y install xpdf
  • apt-get -y install chromium (85MB)
  • set chromium to not translate pages
  • apt-get -y install dwb
  • apt-get -y install feh
  • apt-get -y install gqview (23MB)
  • apt-get -y install gwenview DO NOT INSTALL(23OMB)!!
  • apt-get -y install omxplayer
  • apt-get -y install vncviewer
  • apt-get -y install unclutter
  • apt-get install xdotool

timezone (tzselect command, or cp -f / usr / share / zoneinfo / Europe / Prague / etc / localtime; echo "Europe / Prague"> / etc / timezone)



  • apt-get -y install x11vnc
  • create /etc/init.d/x11vnc


  • test startup with TV off
  • dns
  • ntp
  • television set to "scanning only"
  • TV turn off all green stuff


  • cannot create log directory
  • unable to create prioX directories
  • does not clean lines
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