CTT - Recorder EN

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Versions available for download in maven [repository]

The application is distributed as a web archive for Tomcat. MySQL data storage - ctt.

General measured value recorder

SQL table ctt_record.

URL: tomcat:8080/ctt-rec/cosi.txt

The return is plain text with a value of "1" indicating successful data entry.

  • mls
  • sec (not found in DB yet)
  • bol
  • bytes (found in DB)
Record type(value_type)
  • counter
  • event
  • rate
  • availability (found in DB)
  • delta (found in DB)

Computer Value Recorder

SQL table ctt_computer.

URL: tomcat:8080/ctt-rec/computer/cosi.txt

The return is plain text with a value of "1" indicating successful data entry.


Each URL interface uses a UUID. It can be generated using the uuidgen line.

Example: id=024eb1a2-9112-4093-a4b7-523e7de49822

You can use the hex () and unhex () conversion functions for SQL select.

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