Clever System - Introduction EN

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Quality management + production management = Clever System

Clever System - designed for control and monitoring of industrial production and assembly lines. The system monitors and controls the order of products and operations on the production line, defines technological data for individual workplaces and checks the correct execution of technological operations during production.

Clever System consists of software modules that can be freely combined and configured according to production requirements. All technological data from the production process are archived and processed in accordance with ISO 9000 quality management standards. Current and archived data from individual workplaces are available via www interface over the in-house network.

The Clever System is available in the following languages: Czech, German, English, Spanish. Other languages ​​can be implemented according to the customer's wishes.

Main function of Clever System

Control function

Clever System generates parameters for technological operations according to incoming requirements with product configurations and sends appropriate data to controlled workplaces. Based on this data, the Clever System manages the assembly according to this data and stores all technological data on the operations performed and the parts used.

Control function

The Clever System at the workplaces ensures the correctness of the parts that are assembled into the product in the given operation, depending on the variant of the product prescribed by the production sequence. It also monitors the correct sequence of products in the workplace. The results of all technological operations are checked in real time during assembly.

Documentation function (Traceability)

All information on technological operations and their results, including achieved values ​​of monitored operations (eg tightening torque), serial numbers of used parts, data on personnel, operation times and results of output checks are continuously stored in the SQL database. Any information can be found in these data via www interface. For a particular part, find out to which product, when and by whom it was installed, display the technological data of the operation, or serial numbers of other parts mounted in this product. All data can be archived on external media.

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