Emergency strategy

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Three levels of emergency strategy

1st level

Data are sent to CLEVER System via an alternative application (ASEC, LES)

2nd level

A data connection from JIS (WSW) and ASEC (LES) to the Kernel is totaly lost, but the connection between stations and the kernel is still working. A 2-D specification barcode is scanned on the first station, that data are sent to the Kernel and prepared for all other stations.

3rd level

A network connection between stations and the kernel is lost. A 2-D specification barcode is scanned on each station, the data are sent to the local Kernel, which temporary replaces the functionality of the main Kernel.


On the Client workstation, install the package plc_local_krnl:

yum -y update --disablerepo fedora --disablerepo updates plc_local_krnl

If needed, the packages plc_client_bins and plc_client_scripts will be updated together with that package automatically.

That package contains a service plc_local_krnl, which is automatically started. This service needs the following configuration files, which are automatically updated from the Kernel after an each their change:

  • plc_krnl_project.cfg
  • plan_project.cfg
  • PartDistribution.cfg
  • /usr/local/plc/etc/pmc/twodcode2xml.cfg
  • /usr/local/plc/etc/pmc/twodcode2xml.cfg

After the installation of plc_local_krnl, it is necessary to restart CLEVER Client (scan PLCEOP) to update all these configuration files from the Kernel. Till that update, the service plc_local_krnl is not working properly.

At least the version 11.48.72 1403251504 of the Kernel is needed.


Kernel configuration

The following configuration is needed in the Kernel configuration file (plc_krnl_project.cfg):

# Settings for an emergency strategy, when a 2-D bar code is scanned on the Client station,
# it is sent to the kernel and it stores the data into the following directory:
DirQWriter = /usr/local/plc/var/pmc/twodcodedirq
ProductIDInForwardedData = ^..(.{8}).*

Alien2XMLConfig = /usr/local/plc/etc/pmc/twodcode2xml.cfg
xslt = /usr/local/plc/etc/pmc/xml2krnl.xsl

The scanning of the 2-D code on the Client station is based on a special operation. This operation needs to be defined in the plan_project.cfg file:

#----------------------------------------------------------------- XY9
OperationName = Emergency specification
OperationType = ProductConfiguration
: 0

It can be of whichever index, but index 1 or 9 is recommended. The plan value here is 0, it means, if the VIN is available on the Kernel, the scanning of 2-D code is not requested. If there is no sequence on the Client station, then this scanning is needed after a scanning of the VIN.

PMC data chain

It is highly recommended to send the data from PMC chain to the Kernel in XML format. It is important for the Kernel, then it is able to send notifications to the stations, that the 2-D data were correctly parsed and returned from PMC back to the Kernel. So the PMC module xml2krnl needs to be ecluded from the PMC chain.

Scanning of 2-D specification barcode (Client configuration)

#[Product configuration]
Operation.Configuration.Type = ProductConfiguration
Operation.Configuration.Index = 9
operation.Configuration.SelectPattern[0] = ^@CS
#Workplace.SendProductConfigurationToKernel = No
operation.Configuration.SendDataToKernel = Yes
operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.FullData = Yes
#operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.OutgoingFieldSeparator = \xC2\x8D # for JIS data
operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.OutgoingFieldSeparator = \x0D\x0A # for WSW data
# The parameter ScannedDataStartPosition should be 6 + KennLength
operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.ScannedDataStartPosition = 14 # Zwickau (VIN example: 13402471)
#operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.ScannedDataStartPosition = 17 # Golcuk (VIN example: TTGYDD04749)
#operation.Configuration.ProductSpecification.ScannedDataStartPosition = 32
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