SAS Saarlouis

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Revision as of 10:47, 25 February 2014 by David (Talk | contribs)
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Station C1:

  • has only one sequence for lines A and B
  • inspite of that, when sequence check of a B cockpit is being made, only cockpits from line B are considered. Dtto for line A.
  • PLCROS doesn't do a kernel reset but walks through the cockpits in sequence instead, and ends productions on all cockpits before the reset one, but when the reset cockpit is from line B, only previous B cockpits are removed from kernel, dtto for line A. After PLCROS is issued, sequence reset is performed for the first line A cockpit that comes after scanning and as well for the first B cockpit that comes after scanning. Thus a single PLCROS resets both lines.
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