Rework procedure

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Generally a rework procedure can be done either on a dedicated Rework station or directly on an assembly line.

The product is marked as reworked using a control barcode "Send to rework (PLCSENDREW)". It is possible to remove the rework attribute using a barcode "Remove rework" (PLCRMREW) or "Rework finished" (PLCFINREW).

There are several parameters in a client configuration file which define the behavior to the reworked products:


Second loop of reworked products

When during its assembly the cockpit is found to be reworked, it is marked using a barcode "Send to rework (PLCSENDREW)". Such a product is not deleted from the kernel data when it passes the final station and the product will go the second loop on an assembly line. It is not shown in the product sequence on the client screen, but when it is scanned on any workstation, it is automatically recognized as reworked. The following settings is needed to suppress the error message "Sequence error". Client version 1203091815 or higher is needed.

WorkPlace.ReworkedProductOutOfSequence = No | Yes

Complete rework procedure on a standard assembly workstation

Normally the reworked products can be processed on assembly workstations incompletely. It means it is not necessary to complete the whole procedure for these products. They are reworked, so maybe some operations are already done and it is not necessary to repeat them.

But for some workstations or production lines the full procedure is requested. It is possible to set it using the following parameter:

workplace.InCompleteReworkOnWSAllowed = No | Yes

If this parameter is set to "No", the reworked products needs to be completely finished on the workstation. I.e. they have the same logic like the normal ones. Otherwise, reworked products can be interrupted by a scanning of the next product ID any time.

Sequence Check For All Reworked Products

If the following parameter is set to "Yes", the reworked products needs to be processed on the workstation. I.e. they have the same logic like the normal ones and are requested in the correct position in the sequence even the rework procedure was completely finished (for example on a rework station). This setting is used mainly on the very last station, if it is necessary to check the correct sequence of all finished product.

workplace.SequenceCheckForAllReworkedProducts = No | Yes

Operation tags (rework keywords)

It is possible to mark operations by tags (keywords). Operations are marked in the plan...cfg file on the Kernel. The parameter “Tags” defines the keyword(s) for the current operation. The settings in this file is like for example:

#----------------------------------------------------------------- D31
OperationName = ITafel - Teilekontrolle
OperationType = PartCheck
Tags = Airbag, IT
: 1

----------------------------------------------------------------- C21
# Part check + S/N
OperationName = K-Airbag S/N PartCheck
OperationType = PartCheck
Tags = K-Airbag
: 0
ModelIDA7: 2

#----------------------------------------------------------------- C23
# Tightening
OperationName = Tightening - 3 screws
OperationType = Tightening
ReworkNotRequired = No
Tags = K-Airbag
: 0
ModelIDA7: 3

One operation can be signed by more than one tag (tags are separated by “,”). The tags value is not case sensitive and all spaces are ignored. The whole keyword needs to be scanned in the barcode (PLCSENDREWxxxxxx). If the keyword is only a substring of the tag, the operation is NOT reset. For example a barcode PLCSENDREWAIRBAG will reset the operation D31 (Tags = Airbag, IT), but not the operations C21 and C23 (Tags = K-Airbag). These operations need the barcode PLCSENDREWK-AIRBAG. The barcode PLCSENDREWIT will reset the operation D31 (Tags = Airbag, IT) as well. The barcode PLCSENDREWAIR will not reset none of above sample operations.

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