Define a new operation on a running station

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The standard general way how to do it, is the following:

  1. For [Rack]PartCheck operations define their records in PartDistribution.cfg.
  2. Define an operation in plan...cfg and set its plan to : 0 (not requested).
  3. Prepare a new configuration in a local configuration file on a station, set its ToleranceOverPlan = 1.
  4. Wait when the "new" products (after a saved change in plan...cfg) will come to the station (with defined plan for this operation set to 0).
  5. Reloead a new configuration of a client. The operation is not requested (plan = 0), but is enabled (ToleranceOverPlan = 1). So you can test it.
  6. When the operation is working properly, set the plan in plan...cfg file to a requested count.
  7. When these "new" products (after the plan requested change in plan...cfg) come to the station, set a local parameter ToleranceOverPlan = 0. Then the operation will be enabled only when it is requested.
  8. Insert a record for this operation to an SQL table plc.operation.
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