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Generally, this type of an operation checks if the scanned part is the correct one, which is requested for this product.

Mandatory parameters

  • = PartCheck
  • = (int) index

Other parameters

Bar code settings

  •[i] = Regexp
  •[i] = int
  •[i] = int

The above parameters define the bar codes belonging to that operation. The value of SelectPattern is a regular expression (regex) which assignes the scanned barcode to the operation. If they match, the bar code is assigned to the operation. The index of SelectPattern is used for a join between SelectPattern, PartStart and PartLength parameters. These parameters defines the substring of the scanned bar code which is compared with a requested bar code from PartDistribution.cfg table. For example if the secanned bar code matches a SelectPattern[0] parameter, then PartStart[0] and PartLength[0] are used. PartStart parameter points to the first character of the substring (its default value is 0, it means the beginning of the bar code). A parameter PartLength defines the length of of the substring (its default value is 0 and means "till the end of the bar code" otherwise its value define the length).

Example of the barcode definition:
operation.PartCheck_2.SelectPattern[0] = "^204# 1K.*$"
operation.PartCheck_2.PartStart[0] = 5
operation.PartCheck_2.PartLength[0] = 14
operation.PartCheck_2.SelectPattern[1] = ^204#1K.*$
operation.PartCheck_2.PartStart[1] = 4
operation.PartCheck_2.PartLength[1] = 14

PartDistribution record:
1K1614105CG     1K1 614 105 CG  T13     1K1614105CG

Scanned bar code:
204#1K1 614 105 CG#1#081 248 9474#11/10/10/41*204 3VZ10B0WRW1*= matches SelectPattern[1], then PartStart[1] (4) will be used, it means the substring 1K1 614 105 CG will be compared with 1K1614105CG (spaces are automatically erased before a comparing).
  •[i] = int
Possible values of CheckSumType:
0 - No check (default settings)
1 - SumEven + 3*SumOdd MOD 10
2 - SumEven + 3*SumOdd MOD 36
3 - Sum MOD 43 (Code39)
  •[i] = Regexp
It is possible to define the substring from the scanned bar code for the CheckSum test.
For example:
Operation.PartCheck_BrakeBau.CheckSumSubString[0] = ^.*\*(.*)\*.*$                                                                                            
Scanned barcode: 204#6R1 614 105 G##315313184#210510  *204 FTAC00BXGIG*=
Only the highlighted substring (204 FTAC00BXGIG) will be tested for the CheckSum
  • = No | Yes
  • = No | Yes

If this parameter is set to Yes, an operation stores two results from one scanning. The first one is the result of a part check and the second one is the whole scanned bar code as its serial number. The plan (in plan...cfg file) for such an operation should be set to 2.

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