Control barcodes

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Most often emergency barcodes
Barcode content Action Description
PLCIL[<OpID>] Invalid Label This bar code is used when it is not possible to scan a bar code to fulfill a part check operation (standard part check, rack part check (pick-to-light), camera inspection) and/or a serial number evidence and/or Poka-Yoke check). An optional part [<OpID>] can specify an operation, for which the control bar code should be used. If omitted, the first available operation is used. An "available operation" means an operation of a type part check or serial or Poka-Yoke, which is requested and not yet fulfilled. If there is no such operation, an error message "Invalid ID" is evoked.


Accept Bad Count PLC client will accept a bad count of OK results of an operation. It is used when it is not possible to reach OK fulfilling of an operation (for example tightening).
All barcodes
Barcode content Action Description
PLC Responsible confirmation
PLCEOP End Of Program End of PLC client. A system prompt will appear when the client is finished. So then it is possible to log in on a console. On Fedora 14, the Client program will be automatically restarted.
PLCHALT PC switch off
PLCREBOOT PC reboot PLC station will be restarted, not client only, but the whole station.
PLCSCANSW Scanner switch
PLCHUP New configuration After the scanning of this barcode, the configuration of PLC client will be reloaded from the configuration file (/usr/local/plc/etc/plc_client_XY.cfg). If the current product is not finished, the configuration is not reloaded immediately, but after the product is finished.
PLCHUPNOW Load a new configuration immediately
PLCHUPP<ProductID> Load a new configuration after a product <ProductID> will have been finished
PLCOFFLINE Offline mode
PLCEXEC<command> System command execution
PLCD<debug level> Debug level Sets the debug to the specified level. The standard level is 0. The higher level, the more information is stored into the log file.
PLCLOGCOM Serial port traffic log on
PLCDLOGCOM Serial port traffic log off
PLCMSG[:<time_in_seconds>]:\<text\> Screen message
PLCSN Normal sound level
PLCSL Low sound level
PLCPRINTLLABEL Last label reprint
PLCPRINTOCCURR Output protocol of a current product reprint
PLCPRINTOC<ProductID> Output protocol of a product reprint
PLCKBDI Keyboard input
PLCROS Reset Of Sequence Request for the sequence reset is sent to PLC kernel. If the product ID is scanned after this bar code, the sequence pointer will be set to that product. It is not possible to reset a sequence backwards.
PLCREWORK Local rework mode
PLCSENDREW Send to rework station
PLCRMREW Rework mode cancelled
PLCFINREW Rework mode finished
PLCIL[<OpID>] Invalid Label This bar code is used when it is not possible to scan a bar code to fulfill a part check operation (standard part check, rack part check (pick-to-light), camera inspection) and/or a serial number evidence and/or Poka-Yoke check). An optional part [<OpID>] can specify an operation, for which the control bar code should be used. If omitted, the first available operation is used. An "available operation" means an operation of a type part check or serial or Poka-Yoke, which is requested and not yet fulfilled. If there is no such operation, an error message "Invalid ID" is evoked.
PLCCOSW Controlled switch
PLCSIMAS Simultaneous Assembly


Accept Bad Count PLC client will accept a bad count of OK results of an operation. It is used when it is not possible to reach OK fulfilling of an operation (for example tightening).
PLCDBTM Disable Blockinf og Tightening Machine
PLCEBTM Enable Blockinf og Tightening Machine
PLCUBNCTM UnBlock Tightening machine blocked because of an incomplete product
PLCUBTM UnBlock Tightening machine
PLCREVTM[Channel] Reverse run activation
PLCDREVTM[Channel] Reverse run deactivation
PLCTMJOB Manual tightening machine job or Pset selection
PLCUBCO UnBlock Conveyor
PLCADSN Accept Duplicated Serial Number
PLCANOV Accept Nok Verification
PLCATOR<Operation ID> Accept Tolerance OverRun
PLCABP Accept Bad Pallet
PLCDM<model No.> Default model
PLCROO<Operation ID> Reset Of Operation
PLCROP Reset Of Product
PLCTOOL Tool selection
PLCGRPC Tightening group change
PLCCABLE Forced Poka-Yoke check
PLCERASE Product erase
PLCLABELREPRINT Label reprint Using a print script. Product ID needs to be scanned after this barcode.
PLCRCRES Reset of serial device
PLCNEXT Next product in the sequence Simulates a scanning of the next product ID in the sequence. It is not possible to use this bar code after the "Sequence error" situation. Only the correct product ID can be scanned then.
PLCLOGNOTE Log note Note from a keyboard will be stored into a log file
PLCIOTEST Test of I/O device(s)
PLCSCO Set Conveyor Destination
PLCCLSE Clear Last Sequence Errors
PLCPROBLEM Log problem and make a screenshot
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