Quantity conditions*

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They indicate how many times a given operation is to be performed successfully for a given operation - checking the part, tightening ...

A condition consists of a condition expression and the resulting number. The exception is @PartDistribution.


Contains the part number. Or a position in the F-number. When using part numbers, you can use the logical AND "+" or the negation "!". The condition can be empty, then it always applies.

A special case of a condition is @PartDistribution. This condition should not be combined with other conditions. It does not contain the item "number". The number is generated according to the number of matches defined in the Quality conditions.


The resulting number required for the operation. Zero 0 or greater.

The conditions are evaluated in the order in which they were written. The last match is used. At least one default condition (with an empty condition expression) should be defined.

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