Kickstart Installation on workstation

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Jon (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'First, you will need an iso installation image, e.g. F29x86_64netinst.iso and create a bootable flash drive Kickstart template file /var/ftp/kickstart.template.f29.gui contains …')

Current revision as of 14:49, 23 November 2020

First, you will need an iso installation image, e.g. F29x86_64netinst.iso and create a bootable flash drive

Kickstart template file /var/ftp/kickstart.template.f29.gui contains all necessary information for system and PLC system installation. Content is unique and depends on line configuration.

Update the file according line needs before you begin first station installation. Do it once per line. Then start the installation creating station kickstart file. e.g. F1, IP: 192.168.103. 31 The rest of the stations do in the same way.

To create kickstart file for your station : sudo ./gen_kickstart xx yy → runs the gen_kickstart script where xx ,yy the name of the station and the assigned port respectively i.e ./gen_kickstart f1 31

sample: ./gen_kickstart f1 31

Step 1 - prepare kickstart file: xxxkrnl ~]# cd /var/ftp/ xxxkrnl ftp]# ./gen_kickstart f1 31

Step 2 - boot flash drive

The installation will run its course and complete.

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