PLC Service

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(Commented configuration file example)
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  # Start again if the process gets killed by accident or crashes
  # Start again if the process gets killed by accident or crashes.
# Set to "yes" by default.
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  # If set, standard output and standard error output are redirected to the same file ( $LOG )
  # If set, standard output and standard error output are redirected to the same file ( $LOG ).
# Set to "yes" by default.

Revision as of 08:42, 28 June 2010

PLC Service is a unified way of running tasks in the background.

Any script or program can be run as a system service.


Service installation

/usr/local/plc/bin/plc_service_install <service name>

This command will install and start a new system service. If the program has the same name as the service, is in /usr/local/plc/bin/ directory and doesn't take any command line options, no other configuration is needed.

Service uninstallation

/usr/local/plc/bin/plc_service_uninstall <service name>

This command stops and uninstalls given PLC service.

Service list

/usr/local/plc/bin/plc_service_list [-s]

List all installed PLC services. -s option also shows their status.

Service configuration

Service configuration file has to be named like this (sorted in the order of precedence):

  1. /usr/local/plc/etc/service/<name>.cfg
  2. /usr/local/plc/etc/service/<name>
  3. /usr/local/plc/etc/<name>.service.cfg
  4. /usr/local/plc/etc/<name>

Commented configuration file example

# Not necessary if the program name is the same as the service name

# Start again if the process gets killed by accident or crashes.
# Set to "yes" by default.

# Command line arguments

# Default stdout log file is named /usr/local/plc/log/<name>.service.log"

# Default error log file is named /usr/local/plc/log/<name>.service.err.log"

# If set, standard output and standard error output are redirected to the same file ( $LOG ).
# Set to "yes" by default.

# Any other variables set here will be accessible from the program

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