Merge point

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The format is as follows:
The format is as follows:
If <destination> is missing, it is set to undefined value.
If <destination> is missing, it is set to undefined value.
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Revision as of 09:48, 1 August 2012

Enabling merge point functionality

workplace.device.scanner1 = yes
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.type = serial
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.tty = /dev/ttyS0
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.speed = 9600
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.log_file = /usr/local/plc/log/scanner1.log
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.no_delim = yes
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.sentence_timeout = 100
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.debug_mode = yes

workplace.device.scanner1.settings.Name = "Auto scanner"         # Name displayed in the message window, not required
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.RescanNOKProductIDs = yes     # Rescan product that was not expected when another product scanned by a different scanner is completed
workplace.device.scanner1.settings.ConveyorID = 9                # Set conveyor ID to this value when anything is scanned by this scanner
#workplace.device.scanner1.settings.Destination = 11             # Set conveyor destination to this value when anything is scanned by this scanner
#workplace.device.scanner1.event.scannerinput = "^prefix(.+)suffix\r?\n?$"
workplace.device.scanner1.event.scannerinput = "^\x02?(.+?)\x03?\r?\n?$"
workplace.device.scanner1.event.scannerinput.input = [[:]]

workplace.device.scanner2 = yes
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.type = serial
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.tty = /dev/ttyS1
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.speed = 9600
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.log_file = /usr/local/plc/log/scanner2.log
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.no_delim = yes
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.sentence_timeout = 100
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.debug_mode = yes

workplace.device.scanner2.settings.Name = "Manual scanner"
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.RescanNOKProductIDs = yes
workplace.device.scanner2.settings.ConveyorID = 10

#workplace.device.scanner2.event.scannerinput = "^prefix(.+)suffix\r?\n?$"
workplace.device.scanner2.event.scannerinput = "^\x02?(.+?)\x03?\r?\n?$"
workplace.device.scanner2.event.scannerinput.input = [[:]]

The count of scanner devices is unlimited


Barcode PLCSCO (Set COnveyor) allows setting conveyor ID and conveyor destination to desired values. The format is as follows:


If <destination> is missing, it is set to undefined value.




Barcode PLCCLSE means Clear Last Sequence Errors - i.e. clear all rescanned NOK product IDs.

Use it to get rid of any automatically rescanned product IDs.

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