Accessing CUI in restricted Faurecia network

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Accessing the client CUI port directly

  • SSH to kernel while creating a local terminated SOCKS proxy on port 1307:
  ssh -D 1307 -C plcnewkrnl
  • Start Chrome with a new profile to avoid interfering with your normal Chrome profile and tell it to use the SOCKS proxy:
  google-chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1307" --user-data-dir=~/chrome-faurecia-plcnewkrnl --no-first-run \

The forwarded ports on kernel cannot be accessed from localhost (=plcnewkrnl), so CUI has to connect directly to the stations.

Using CLEA to access the CUI interface via the redirected ports

If the redirected ports can be accessed from the SQL server, you can ssh to SQL and then make CLEA use the SOCKS proxy:

  ssh -D 1308 -C clever@plcchtsql
  google-chrome --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:1308" --user-data-dir=~/chrome-faurecia-plcchtkrnl --no-first-run \

The browser would then work as if running on the SQL server, i.e. the links from CLEA should work OK.

This procedure can be reused for another kernels at the same time, just remember to use a new unique SOCKS port / profile folder.

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