Wifi on station
From PlcWiki
Wifi setup
To bring station to wifi follow these steps:
1) create or update /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0
ONBOOT=yes DEVICE=wlan0 TYPE=Wireless ESSID=xxxx RATE=auto BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=x.x.x.x NETMASK=x.x.x.x BROADCAST=x.x.x.x NETWORK=x.x.x.x GATEWAY=x.x.x.x USERCTL=no NM_CONTROLLED=no MODE=Managed PEERDNS=yes IPV6INIT=no
2) disable eth0, edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
3) edit /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf, add output from command
"wpa_passphrase <ssid> <passphrase>
4) set service "wpa_supplicant" to be started on boot
chkconfig wpa_supplicant on
5) set system parameter in file /etc/sysconfig/wpa_supplicant
6) reboot
It is good to have physical access to station to be able in case of problems make corrections ;). To use both interfaces one active and one as backup see Bonding.