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1. About this documentation
The User Management (um) product provides capabilities in order to manage the users’ access and permissions in the various Clever web applications, from a single point of control. This documentation provides information for the related operators and system administrators on using the User Management web application in order to execute the primary settings for users’ access and permissions to the Clever web applications.
2. Overview of the User Management application window
The User Management application can be accessed either from SAS Menu, by clicking on with the user Management option, or from Clea. For the later case, while you are logged in the Clea click on tab “Users” and then in the link “Open User Management app” on the ride side of the interface under the “Leave a message” option.
The User Management app will open in a new tab of your browser and after your login, the list of users will be displayed with enable filter for the logged user from Clea.
To disable column filtering :
Click on the filtered column > click on the icon to reset all filters > close the “Setup column Login name” window > click on “Allow unfiltered records” link
The interface of the User Management app with all listed users will be displayed .
On the left and central part of the interface the list of users is displayed. On the right side of the interface you can view the specified parameters for that user. By clicking on the user options > User groups on the top right part of the interface you can also view the list of user groups as well as the assigned groups for each user.
In the following chapters are described briefly the necessary steps in order to create a user account and manage its parameters.
3. User account
As it was previously mentioned the User Management app is the central point to create and manage user accounts in order to acquire access in the various Clever applications. To do so, a user must be listed under the user management list as well as to have the corresponding roles in order to access the desired Clever applications.
3.1 Create a user account
To create a new user account :
- Click on the add icon located on the top left corner of the application interface to obtain the window “New user”
- Fill the first, last and login name
- Choose to merge with a brand new person
- Click on the “Create” button
NOTE: When you delete a user from the user management app, his first and last name remains in the database (internal Clever HR database). Therefore during the creation of a new user, in case that you will give the same first and last name that already exist in the HR database, these names will be listed in the drop down menu of the field “Merge with”. In case that this new user should indeed have those existing names it is recommended to create the new user by “Merge with” the already existing user names and not “Merge with Brand new Person”.
For instance:
NOTE: Currently there is a transition phase from sas-automotive to faurecia owner (domain). It is recommended to create new users with the default ownership that it displayed in the “Login name” field of the new user window. Eventually, all users will be under faurecia owner (
The new user will be listed under the User Management list.
To finalize the registration of that new user you have to give a user’s password as well as to choose the “Enabled” validity for that user. To assign a new password or change an existing : Click on Password button > Give a new password > click on Save button
The new user is now listed with the “Valid”right as well as his password has been saved in the database.
NOTE : The “Personal number” of a user that is specified from Clea (Users / Workers tab) is also displayed in the User Management app. However, this number can only be defined from Clea.
Lastly, specify the default language for the user, by using the flag icon , the validity duration of the user as well as the type of the user (internal for faurecia staff, external for non faurecia employee and bot for application user (i.e. user that corresponds to a script). These parameters can also be edited at any time later on.