Frame and KNMR pairing
From PlcWiki
There is a scanning operation on the line where frames are scanned. It has the send data to kernel parameter set.
The station that has this operation must have a WorkplaceDataFile defined in the kernel
The entire KNMR-frame pairing is done on the kernel using scripts located in the operation_data_scripts directory (/ usr / local / plc / bin / operation_data_scripts). There you just need to have a symbolic link with the name of the operation. The kernel calls it when it receives data from the operation. The symbolic link leads to the upf-mix_lineRAM script, which ensures the pairing of the KNMR and the frame.
The KNMR-frame pairing log is not in / usr / loca / plc / log and always has a name in the format opdata_WPID of the operation.log Thus, for example, the KNMR-frame pairing log on the OC station within the OC1 operation has the opdata_OC1.log log.