Tightening machine as a PLC device

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The most important properties of a tightening machine defined as a PLC device are its name and channelnumber. These two entries uniquely identify a tightening machine or its spidle.

channelnumber is a logical ID of single tightening spindle connected to a PLC client. It can be any non-zero positive integer as it's only purpose is to assign the tightening tool to appropriate operation. It has no other meaning.

When a tightening machine has more than one spindle, this setting applies to the first of them. Other spindles' channelnumbers are assigned in sequential order. E.g. if this option is set to 3 and the machine has 2 spindles, then the first spindle has the channelnumber 3 and the second one has the channelnumber 4. The next usable channenumber value is 5.

.settings.channelnumber should match operation's .ChannelNumber value and the device name (i.e. tmachine_1) should match operation's .Device value.

Georges Renault :

# Georges Renault
#include "drivers/GR_IXPIO_COMBO.inc"
workplace.devicehub.tmachine_io_combo_1 = yes
workplace.devicehub.tmachine_io_combo_1.settings.debug_mode = yes
workplace.devicehub.tmachine_io_combo_1.high_level.device.tmachine_1.settings.channelnumber = 1

# Only results from given spindle are delivered
workplace.devicehub.tmachine_io_combo_1.high_level.device.tmachine_1.settings.accept_spindle = 2

# Spindle reported by the tightening machine will be overridden by given value
workplace.devicehub.tmachine_io_combo_1.high_level.device.tmachine_1.settings.spindle_override = 1

Atlas Copco 3000 :

#include "drivers/AC3000.drv"
workplace.device.tmachine_1 = yes
workplace.device.tmachine_1.driver = AC3000
workplace.device.tmachine_1.settings.tty = /dev/ttyS1 
#workplace.device.tmachine_1.settings.host =
workplace.device.tmachine_1.settings.log_file = /usr/local/plc/log/ac3000_1.log
workplace.device.tmachine_1.settings.debug_mode = no
workplace.device.tmachine_1.settings.channelnumber = 1
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