Denied parts

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Jan (Talk | contribs)
(Created page with 'The denied parts list is located on kernel in file '''/usr/local/plc/var/denied_parts.json''' by default. The records in '''"changeLog"''' array should never be deleted, to remov…')

Current revision as of 10:35, 9 December 2016

The denied parts list is located on kernel in file /usr/local/plc/var/denied_parts.json by default. The records in "changeLog" array should never be deleted, to remove a part from the list add a new record to "changeLog" array like this ("path" refers to the record removed):

   "changeTime": "2016-09-15T11:25:31",
   "op": "remove",
   "path": "/b61c42d0-5f57-45fc-87ec-696182362400"

and also update the "lastChange" property. Be careful to keep the JSON file valid.

Here is how the new feature has to be configured:

On T6, I have added this:

   #--- T63 ---
   # Kernel needs to know about the serials to blacklist them
   operation.PartCheck_steerwheelsn.SendDataToKernel = Yes
   # Technological Operation ID - can be shared among workplaces, defines blacklisted parts/serials list
   operation.PartCheck_steerwheelsn.TOpID = SteeringWheelC346
   #--- T65 ---
   # Send to rework when NOK result is done
   operation.Tightening_steeringfix.SendToReworkWhenNOK = Yes
   # How many NOK result it takes to send a car to rework, 1 by default
   operation.Tightening_steeringfix.SendToReworkWhenNOKCount = 3

In plan on kernel, I have added this (in bold):

   #           /------------------------\
   #===========  Vormontage Lenkrad      ================================= T6
   #           \------------------------/
   # Workplace: AS3.1
   WPID = T6
   Name = Vormontage Lenkrad, Clockspring
   Line = 6
   PartDataFile = /usr/local/plc/var/
   # Where should be the serials sent to kernel stored
   WorkplaceDataFile = /usr/local/plc/var/T6.wpdata

   # -------------------------------------------------------------------- T63
   # Steering Wheel PartCheck for C346.
   # Scanning only the Part S/N to determine the part type and the
   # serial number
   OperationName = Steering Wheel C346
   OperationType = PartCheck
   # This has to be non-empty and the same as the 'operation.PartCheck_steerwheelsn.TOpID' value above. Defines the list of blacklisted serials/parts
   # This has to be in plan before 'Tags' !
   TOpIdAddedToDeniedPartsWhenReworkReset = SteeringWheelC346
   # Refers to the tag that is used when the max. NOK is reached and product is sent to rework, turns on resetting of the operation in such case
  Tags = NOKResultOfT65
   : 0
   # remarked till further notice
   19.6: 2
   19.7: 2
   19.8: 2
   19.5: 2
   19.9: 2